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| import numpy as np import copy
class Chessboard: def __init__(self): """ 初始化棋盘状态 """ self.boardInit() def boardInit(self, show = True): ''' 重置棋盘 ''' self.chessboardMatrix = np.zeros((8,8),dtype=np.int8) #棋盘初始化 self.unableMatrix = np.zeros((8,8),dtype=np.int8) #禁止落子位置 self.queenMatrix = np.zeros((8,8),dtype=np.int8) #落子位置 printMatrix = np.zeros((9,9),dtype=np.int8) #棋盘绘制矩阵 for i in range(8): printMatrix[0][i+1] = i printMatrix[i+1][0] = i self.printMatrix = printMatrix if show: self.printChessboard() def trans(self, x): ''' 棋盘绘制字符转换 ''' return{0:'-',-1:'x',1:'o'}.get(x) def isOnChessboard(self, x,y): ''' 判断落子是否在棋盘上 ''' return (x*(7-x) >=0 and y*(7-y) >=0) def setLegal(self, x, y): ''' 禁止落子位置指定 ''' return (self.unableMatrix +1)[x][y]
def setQueen(self, x, y, show = True): ''' 落子之后更新棋盘 ''' if self.setLegal(x, y): self.queenMatrix[x][y] =1 #落子位置 for i in range(8): self.unableMatrix[x][i] =-1 #本行无法落子 self.unableMatrix[i][y] =-1 #本列无法落子 for i in range(-7,8): if self.isOnChessboard(x+i,y+i): self.unableMatrix[x+i][y+i] =-1 #正对角线无法落子 if self.isOnChessboard(x+i,y-i): self.unableMatrix[x+i][y-i] =-1 #反对角线无法落子 self.chessboardMatrix = self.unableMatrix +2*self.queenMatrix #更新棋盘 self.printMatrix[1:9,1:9] = self.chessboardMatrix if show: self.printChessboard() return True else: print('落子失败') return False def play(self): ''' 玩家互动 ''' while True: action = input("请玩家输入一个合法的坐标(e.g. '2-3',若想重新开始,请打出'init',若想退出,请打出'Q'。): ")
if action == 'init': self.boardInit() continue if action == 'Q' or action == 'q' or action == 'quit' or action == 'QUIT': break
if '-' in action: x,y =action.split('-') elif ',' in action: x,y =action.split(',') else: x = action[0] y = action[-1] if x.isdigit() and y.isdigit(): self.setQueen(int(x),int(y)) if self.isWin(): print('Win!') self.printMatrix[1:9,1:9] = self.queenMatrix self.printChessboard() action = input("请玩家输入'Y'进入下一局,输入其它任意值退出: ") if action == 'y' or action == 'Y': self.boardInit() self.Play() else: break elif self.isLose(): print('Lose!') self.printMatrix[1:9,1:9] = self.queenMatrix self.printChessboard() action = input("请玩家输入'Y'进入下一局,输入其它任意值退出: ") if action == 'y' or action == 'Y': self.boardInit() self.play() else: break else: print('请输入合法坐标或指定命令.')
def isWin(self): ''' 胜利条件判断 ''' if sum(sum(self.queenMatrix)) ==8: return True else: return False
def isLose(self): ''' 失败条件判断 ''' if not self.isWin() and sum(sum(self.unableMatrix)) ==-64: return True else: return False
def printChessboard(self, showALL = True): ''' 绘制棋盘 ''' if showALL: Board = self.printMatrix else: Board = self.printMatrix Board[1:9,1:9] = self.queenMatrix for i in range(9): for j in range(9): if i+j==0: print(' ', end='') elif (i==0 and j!=8) or j==0 : print(str(Board[i][j])+' ', end='') elif i==0 and j==8: print(str(Board[i][j])+' ') elif j!=8: print(self.trans(Board[i][j])+' ', end='') else: print(self.trans(Board[i][j])+' ')